Support Climate Change Coverage

Two years ago, with your support, we partnered with Report for America to improve local coverage at
a time when newsrooms were forced to cut back. We are doing that once again — this time to expand
coverage of climate change and its effects on our area.

We will bring you concrete coverage of the threat climate change poses to our weather, water and way
of life, with an emphasis on what we can do to combat the crisis in our own backyards.

We are calling on everyone in the community who values this important work to help fund it. Any
donation gets us closer to providing more comprehensive coverage of this critical topic.

That’s why we are launching a crowdfunding effort to support our journalism as we work with Report
for America to hire a reporter to investigate the impact of climate change to our local communities.
Thanks to this exciting initiative, every dollar we raise will be matched.

CBS 60 Minutes looked at the crisis in local news and how hedge funds and other financial firms have swallowed up newspapers, closed newsrooms and slashed staff.

Report for America was positioned as a solution to the problem. The segment featured Steve Waldman, president and co-founder of Report for America, and conversations with five of our corps members.
The work that Report for America does to inform and strengthen communities is supported by donations from engaged citizens. We’re proud to be part of the solution to save local news — but we can’t do it without you.